Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Home Repairs & Improvements

It seems like quite a few PF bloggers put a halt on all home renovation & maintenance projects while they try to pay off debt. But not me. 

Maybe it's because I like to have several things going all at once, or because I know it'll be several years before we're debt-free and it's not worth it to me to wait that long, but I want to tackle home repairs just as aggressively as I tackle debt. Which, at times, means sort of a bumpy road, with months of absolutely no progress whatsoever.  ;)

I've got several projects in various stages of completion right now, and many that I'm hoping to finish before winter hits. And although I've purchased a significant portion of the necessary supplies, there will still be some expenses.
  • Deck:  $200 in materials (estimated)
  • Misc. Tool Rentals/Purchases:  $150 (estimated)
  • New Gutters: $800 (estimated total cost)
  • Landfill Disposal Fee (hazardous waste & construction debris): $150 
  • Replace exterior door: $150 in materials (estimated)
  • Re-caulk exterior: $100 in materials (estimated)
Right now I've got $1000 set aside in the home-repair fund, and $1550 in estimated upcoming expenses. If we are successful in completing everything before winter hits, it might delay being able to pay off "my" credit card by the end of the year. It would only push it back by a month or so, which is a tradeoff I'll happily make. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you - you ahve to do what is best for your family :)
