Friday, August 21, 2009

Extra Expenses

Husband had surgery earlier this week, so we've incurred quite a few extra expenses this week. It was an outpatient procedure, and had been planned for some time now. 

We had some out of town visitors come for the surgery, to offer support, so we bought dinner on the night of surgery. I ate at the hospital for lunch, and had planned to just grab a snack for dinner at home, but our guests were hungry and in a hurry. 

We had a few copays for prescription drugs, and Husband requested some personal care items and over-the-counter drugs to help him after surgery. He also asked for several "comfort" foods from the grocery store. 

I normally wouldn't have bought most of these items, or at the very least would have only bought them on sale and/or with coupons, but it was unusual circumstances and I wanted to do whatever possible to help him be more comfortable. I ended up spending nearly $100, between the groceries, prescriptions, and meals. 

Later in the week we went to the grocery store for more food, and spend another $50. We also ordered pizza ($25), and saw a movie ($20). 

We both took most of the week off, him for surgery and me to help him. This means that I haven't been able to work any overtime, so my pay will be less on the next paycheck. 

1 comment:

  1. sometimes we just have weeks like that... hope the hubby is okay (that is first & foremost) Just vow to do better in the weeks ahead :)
