Saturday, August 1, 2009

August Budget

Projected Income: 
Salary: $5971

Projected Expenses:
Mortgage: $1450
Electric: $150
Gas: $40
Cable/Web: $155
Cell Phones: $200
Groceries: $250
Car Payments: $792
Gas (for cars): $300
Student Loans: $281
Credit Cards: $2350
TOTAL: $5968

This will leave us only $3 of "wiggle" room for the month, so it's essentially a zero-based budget. I think we should be able to come in pretty close to the budget for August. I've included some assumed overtime pay in the income, but I think we might be able to scrounge up some extra (by selling items online). The minimum credit card payments are much less (around $1000/mo), so if we need extra money we can always reduce the amount we pay. 

Potential budget busters this month: we will probably go out to eat a few times, which isn't really accounted for, and I will need to pick up some miscellaneous items (clothing, school supplies, etc.). Home improvements/repairs are a constant item, though nothing (I hope!) is critical for this month. 

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