With our new budget, we're going to set aside money for several short-term savings goals, as well as to regularly save for non-monthly bills (like car insurance). It means hitting pause on the emergency fund, but overall it should be a better system.
Here are our anticipated categories & savings amounts, per month:
Vacation - $200
Car insurance - $210
House (maintenance/repairs) - $300
Mortgage (principal reduction) - $800
It's great to have so much "discretionary" income in our budget, it really makes it so much less stressful to know that we have a bit of a cushion to absorb unexpected items. Our immediate goals are to finish paying off credit cards (currently around $7k) and then to pay off the second mortgage. However, it'll probably take about 3 years.
That's great. Having budget for particular expenditures will manage your money in right manner of spending it.